Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Sandwich Blitz Inc Essay Example for Free

The Sandwich blitzkrieg Inc Essay1. How would creating a impertinent smear between the chief operating officer and the repair managers help the clientele to rear?2. Is promoting an existing manager the best option to fill this position? If not, what is an alternative source to fill the position?3. Who within the company should make these decisions?4. List the levels of authority (management) that Sandwich Blitz, Inc. would fox if the new position is created.Dalmon and garland are trying to expand their business The Sandwich Blitz Inc. They run through two great location mangers that have a lot of skills and are ready to move up in the company. Dalmon and Lei have to make time to investigate the two options of expanding their company. Dalmon and Lei have authority over their staff they occur the location mangers authority over the stores to help run the store. I think if they can delegate their working class it will free up time for the CEOs to localize more on the exp ansion of the companies.How would creating a new position between the CEO and the location managers help the business rebel? It will help the business grow because it will free some of the responsibilities that Dalmon and Lei are doing now that is conflating with them being able to focus on expanding the company and the growth of the company. Is promoting an existing manager the best option to fill this position? Yes I think that promoting within the company is a great idea because the location mangers have already been in the company and they have the knowledge of the company and skills. I think that if they build a build a senior team thats able to manage all the critical areas of the business it will help come upon the company to another level.These location managers have an excitement to make things happen and it will help them to grow and be motivated to be prepare for the new expanding. Who within the company should make this decision? The CEO responsibility is to have the r ight management team that can cover shortcomings. Also CEO may be able to set strategy, predict the future and control the budget, but if they dont hire the right team, they have to master it all themselves. And hire the best like they have done in previous historic period for the others stores.

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